The Soul Horizon

The Freedom Found in Letting Go: Living authentically beyond the limitations of our attachments

Episode 75

Are you living to survive or are you living to thrive? The more attached we are to our identities, beliefs, roles, possessions, stories, etc., the more we're throttled into survival mode. Freeing ourselves to thrive, then, is a matter of lovingly letting go of and loosening our grip on the ego's most engrained attachments. 

Related Episodes

Episode: Unconditional Love vs. Unconditional Tolerance

Episode: Loving Ourselves How We Want to Be Loved

Episode: The Ego Is an Instagram Filter

Episode: Life on Autopilot—Are You trapped in the matrix?

Episode: 35 Years Old = The Point of Concentration

Episode: Triggered—Using emotional triggers as a roadmap to healing

Continued Reading + Resources

Document: Attachment Reflection Process + Questions (as outlined in this episode)

Free Resource: Soul-Support Toolbox: Practical Tools for Tough Moments

Book: Lighter by Yung Pueblo

Book: The Wise Heart by Jack Kornfield

Meditation: Blessing the Energy Centers (Dr. Joe Dispenza)

Video: Dr. Joe Dispenza on the power of unattached love (powerful and inspiring interview)

Article: Default Mode Network

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

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