The Soul Horizon
The hero the world’s been waiting for? It’s you, sweet soul. Join psychologist and insatiably curious spiritual truth seeker Ashley Melillo each week as she melds psychology and spirituality to explore soulful topics such as consciousness, the nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, the higher self, empowerment, and awakened living. If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant and searching for a way to reignite that internal spark, this is the podcast for you. It’s time to come home to your soul—the world needs you to come alive.
Podcasting since 2022 • 96 episodes
The Soul Horizon
Latest Episodes
Living Beyond Childhood Wounds: Reparenting ourselves and becoming Self-led
In this episode, we explore the concept of re-parenting ourselves. And how all of us, no matter how wonderful or disastrous the parenting was that we received as children, benefit from learning to lead ourselves from the perspective of the unco...
Episode 95
Intuitive Insights: Listening to the softest part of yourSelf + The grief of love unfelt
This is an intuitive insights episode that explores:1. How to hear and listen to the softest part of ourSelf (Big S / Soul).2. Feeling into the well of grief that fills within us when we use fear as a tool to block out the vulnerability...
Episode 94
Healing theme for 2025: Embodiment
In this episode, we explore the idea of soulful embodiment as the healing theme for 2025. We also revisit 2024's theme of 'surrender' and how surrender builds the foundation for embodiment. Here's to a soulful, abundant, and joyful 2025!
Episode 93
Beyond Victimhood: Reclaiming and revealing your inner hero
In this episode, we're exploring the traps of victim consciousness and how the reclamation of our power begins the moment we begin to opt out of victim-victimizer dynamics.Because the truth is that when we outsource the problem, we outso...
Episode 92
Intuitive Insights: Accessing the limitless, unquantifiable fullness of unconditional love
This is a brief intuitive insights episode featuring excerpts that touch upon the topics of unconditionally loving relationship dynamics, transcendental experiences, and the power of aligning our consciousness concisely with the present moment ...
Episode 91