The Soul Horizon

Manifesting Beyond the Material: Creating a Life that Lights You Up from the Inside Out

Episode 82

In this episode, we'll explore the idea of harnessing the power of quantum manifestation to manifest a life we feel completely and totally in love regardless of what's going on in our outer world. In other words, we're flipping the script on manifestation so that energetic (feeling-based / heart-led) manifestation is the primary goal with material (thought-based / head-led) manifestation being the secondary goal.

Ironically, flipping the manifestation script to focus on our inner reality first makes manifesting the outer reality we desire easeful, fun, and rather effortless. So material manifestation then becomes a secondary benefit rather than a secondary goal, because manifesting our outer desires is a natural and easeful consequence once we've embodied the inner feeling state that's a clear match for the outer.

In fact, manifesting through the heart in this way is how we end up manifesting materially beyond what the mind could have ever initially expected or hoped for. Manifesting the inner state of miracles is the effortless path to manifesting material miracles.

Continued Reading + Resources
Breaking the Habit of Being Yourself* by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Becoming Supernatural* by Dr. Joe Dispenza
You Are the Placebo* by Dr. Joe Dispenza
Change Your Paradigm, Change Your Life* by Bob Proctor
The Untethered Soul* by Michael A. Singer
Lighter* by Yung Pueblo
The Power of Your Subconscious Mind* by Joseph Murphy
The Biology of Belief* by Dr. Bruce Lipton
Liberated Love* by Mark Groves and Kylie McBeath

Free Resource Toolboxes
Soul-Support Toolbox: Practical Tools for Tough Moments
Resources and Tools to Reprogram the Subconscious Mind (This is the free resource I created as a companion to the subconscious reprogramming episode)

Energy Clearing
Youtube Video: Dr. Joe Dispenza Pineal Gland Breathing Technique
Meditation: Blessing of the Energy Centers (Dr. Joe Dispenza)

Video: Dr. Joe Dispenza—How to Brainwash Yourself for Success (HIGHLY recommend watching this)

Youtube video: 6 things that happen right before your manifestation arrives by Frances Auralia Delacroix

Manifestation Tools
Mind Movies (software to emotionalize visualizations and affirmations—this software helps you create what is essentially a modern day version of a vision board)

Related Episodes
Episode: Reprogramming the Subconscious Mind
Episode: The Freedom Found in Letting Go: Living authentically beyond the limitations of our attachments
Episode: Qu