The Soul Horizon
The Soul Horizon
Beyond Victimhood: Reclaiming and revealing your inner hero
In this episode, we're exploring the traps of victim consciousness and how the reclamation of our power begins the moment we begin to opt out of victim-victimizer dynamics.
Because the truth is that when we outsource the problem, we outsource the solution too.
And if we are to become the hero of our own story, we must reclaim our power by taking full, unbridled ownership over our life. To own the trajectory of our life, we must first own ourselves. And to do that, we've got to stop pointing the finger at anyone. Not in a shame-inducing, admonishing way but rather in a compassionate, empowering, and self-loving way.
Resources + Continued Reading
Reach out—ashley@ashleymelillo.com—if you'd like to get on the list for a future RTT session with me!
Existential Kink* by Carolyn Lovewell
The Reclaimed Woman* by Dr. Kelly Brogan
Own Yourself* by Dr. Kelly Brogan
Lighter* by Yung Pueblo
You Can Heal Your Life* by Louise Hay
The Subconscious Mind: Unlocking the door to life-transforming freedom, abundance, and inner peace
Article: Victimizer Collective Archetypes (Ascension Glossary)
Article: Breaking Out of the Drama Triangle (Karpman Triangle)
Article: The Three Faces of Victim—An Overview of the Victim Triangle
Article: Use the Karpman Triangle to Solve Conflicts
Article: Shifting from the Drama Triangle to the Empowerment Dynamic
Article: What Are the Signs of a Victim Mentality?
Article: How A 'Maybe' Mindset Will Make You More Positive
Article: Most of Us Are Addicted to Certainty. Here's Why Embracing a Maybe Mindset Can Set Us Free
Thought Leaders
Lynne Forrest—Transforming Victim Consciousness
Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.
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