The Soul Horizon

Beyond the Divide of Destruction + Separation: The collective awakening and the movement towards world peace

Episode 98

At first glance, it looks as if the world is falling apart... but what if it's actually breaking down so that it can come together in a more unified, peaceful, and harmonious way than it ever has before? 


Mentioned Links

Dr. David Hawkin's 'Map of Consciousness' (funnel version)

Dr. David Hawkin's 'Map of Consciousness' (table version)

Dr. David Hawkin's 'Map of Consciousness' (continuum version)


Anam Ćara by John O'Donohue

In the World, BUT NOT OF IT by Dr. David Hawkins

Transcending the Levels of Consciousness: The Stairway to Enlightenment by Dr. David Hawkins

The Seat of the Soul*= by Gary Zukav

The Map of Consciousness Explained: A Proven Energy Scale to Actualize Your Ultimate Potential by Dr. David Hawkins (free PDF version of the book is linked here—available through


Article: 19 Stages of Spiritual Awakening + Ascension (the most popular article on my site)

Article: The Sun's Influence—Unraveling the Connection Between Solar Activity and Social Revolutions

Article: The Schumann Effect Part 1—How the Earth Influences Your Brain Waves

Article: Consciousness and the Problem of the Shadow

Article: Has Global Violence Declined? A Look at the Data

Article: Has the Decline of Violence Reversed since The Better Angles of Our Nature was Written? by Steven Pinker

Disclaimer: This podcast is intended for entertainment and informational purposes only and does not substitute individual psychological advice.

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