The Soul Horizon
The hero the world’s been waiting for? It’s you, sweet soul. Join psychologist and insatiably curious spiritual truth seeker Ashley Melillo each week as she melds psychology and spirituality to explore soulful topics such as consciousness, the nature of reality, self-reclamation + self-mastery, the higher self, empowerment, and awakened living. If you’re feeling stuck or stagnant and searching for a way to reignite that internal spark, this is the podcast for you. It’s time to come home to your soul—the world needs you to come alive.
The Soul Horizon
42 Wisdom Tidbits from the Last 50 Episodes
Episode 100
For the 100th episode, I've rounded up 42 wisdom tidbits from the last 50(ish) episodes. Happy listening and cheers! 🥳
Wisdom Tidbits from 99 episodes (document mentioned in episode with wisdom tidbits from every episode and links to each episode)
Episode: Wisdom Tidbits Part 1 (from episodes 1–25)
Episode: Wisdom Tidbits Part 2 (from episodes 27–51)